Finally!.... Finally I have broken that elusive glass ceiling of the 30 Lbs I’ve been trying to surpass in my weight loss journey.
This morning, after our devotional and walking my mile, with the rest of the POPs (Praying Off Pounds) guys, I weighed in this morning with a 33 Lb. weight loss… Hallelujah!
This morning, after our devotional and walking my mile, with the rest of the POPs (Praying Off Pounds) guys, I weighed in this morning with a 33 Lb. weight loss… Hallelujah!
It’s really been frustrating. This is week five of hovering around the 25 to 30 Lb. mark since I started this back in February. It was originally so easy. I skipped bread, cheese, potatoes and fried stuff and in return, I’ve lost about 3 Lbs. per week. Not so during April and into the first week in May.
This particular target weight that I’ve been shooting for has been a long time coming. I’ve always said that when I reached it, I would reward myself with something really tasty and bad for me, like a plate of cheese enchiladas with a fried egg, over-easy, on top…
I like to refer to it as “A Heart Attack on a Plate”. I’m talking about a platter of about 1500 calories of pure Cheesy Tex-Mex Decadence, with Salsa poured liberally across the top of it… Dare I say; It’s better than sex!...
I like to refer to it as “A Heart Attack on a Plate”. I’m talking about a platter of about 1500 calories of pure Cheesy Tex-Mex Decadence, with Salsa poured liberally across the top of it… Dare I say; It’s better than sex!...
Well, maybe not, but it’s up there…
Now that I’ve reached this millstone, I’ve made a profound decision… I’m putting off my "enchilada fix" for a later date. I’m setting a new target weight for the platter of enchiladas and I’m going to be good heading into the weekend.
This could be a pretty weekend, weather-wise, and it’s time to break out the boat for the weekend. I’ll have to opt for rewarding myself with cold beer (instead of the plate of cheese enchiladas with the proverbial fried egg on top). Cold beer is just easier to handle on the boat, than Mexican Food.
Plus, I’m taking my lovely bride, of 10 years, to Vegas for our Anniversary and her birthday. Not sure how bad the diet will suffer there, but you can rest assured that I won’t be walking into Emeril's in Las Vegas and ordering a scoop of Tuna with a Dinner Salad.
Nope… Won’t really be counting calories in Vegas, but I will still try to avoid the bread and potatoes.
Vegas is still about 4 weeks off, so I’m hoping to drop another 10 Lbs. by then.
I’ll be helping to plant some 275 Lamonto grape vines for a friend who has a vineyard (The Grand Magnolia Vineyards, in Flint, Texas) in the coming days, so that should be good for some exercise and maybe a few extra Lbs.
I’ll be helping to plant some 275 Lamonto grape vines for a friend who has a vineyard (The Grand Magnolia Vineyards, in Flint, Texas) in the coming days, so that should be good for some exercise and maybe a few extra Lbs.
I’ll keep you posted… Adios!...
Copyright © 2011 Denning Key
Copyright © 2011 Denning Key