Tuesday, April 2, 2013

You just gotta love summer!

With summer around the corner, thoughts of warm weather activities come to mind.  I had the opportunity, about fifteen years ago, to compete in a chili cook-off at a nudist resort.  If you've never cooked chili at a nudist resort, or even been to a nudist resort, it’s an experience you’ll not soon forget.

First of all, due to popular belief, it ain't what you might see at a Playboy Mansion Play Day.  In fact, most of the nudist resort patrons were ex-hippies in their late 50’s to early 70’s.  Although many of the naked bodies I observed didn’t appear to look any different than any other naked body of the same age, it is my humble opinion that fitness was not a priority.

On the other hand, the folks were very gracious and genuine hosts of any cook-off as ever I have attended. They understand that open nudity takes some getting used to by most people, so they didn't require the cooks to take their clothes off with one exception; you do have to get naked if you want to get in the swimming pool or hot tub. (I'm not really sure about nudity on the volleyball area, but it seemed to be the rule of the day).

I've always said, it's bad enough being a little over weight, so with modesty, along with other potential embarrassments to consider, (not to mention an ozone awareness day), I opted for the "Shorts & T-shirt" look. I noticed that most cooks joined me in my choice of "dress code". When it comes to exhibitionism, (although, in all fairness, I don't think that's what you would call it at a nudist resort), I guess I will always have my short-comings to consider. I did take my shoes off for a while, but then I discovered the fireants by the back of my truck, which contained my cooler.

As I arrived at the front gate, I was given a long list of rules. As a matter of fact, the list took up a whole typewritten page, and this is important, because proper nudist resort protocol is strictly monitored and should never be taken lightly. I don't remember all the rules, (In fact, I don't remember most of the rules because I lost my rule sheet), but here are a few I remember, and found worthy of comment.

For example,


Interestingly enough, many of the people there don't mind having their picture taken, I guess because, unless you have your own photo darkroom, not just any average Photo-mart will gladly develop pictures of naked people (Keeping in mind that digital photography was not commonplace back at the time of this particular chili cook-off).

Also, never, never, ever use a video camera.

I personally witnessed a cook who innocently tried to video tape a group of local patrons who appeared to be already posing for a still picture. I was quick to observe that this breach of nudist resort etiquette is slightly more serious than attempting to pass through security at an International Airport with a suitcase full of grenades. (It wasn't a pretty sight).


That's easy enough, although, from time to time, there was a temptation to say "Damn! or "Check that out!", or "May I help you  with some sunscreen?". You can imagine that the opportunity for an occasional innuendo was enormous. (I was in my mid twenties before I realized that an innuendo wasn't an Italian enema). But there is a gray area of acceptable remarks that I think you can get away with. A friend of mine who rode over that day kept saying, "Hell, they just don't care!" and "This is unbelievable!" (Followed by an adolescent chuckle).


I'll be the first to admit that the human body, Biblically speaking, is a Divine thing of beauty, (regardless of the shape it's in), but when there are a bunch of them wondering around in an open field, well, you just can't help but to stare. This is when good peripheral vision, along with a dark pair of sunglasses, has it's advantages. If you do stare, try not to get caught staring, and if you do get caught staring, don't act like you were consciously staring. (Make it look purely incidental). And for Pete's Sake, don't take a picture without permission.

(I'll paraphrase the next one)


Now I'll admit that by the end of the day, I was beginning to get accustomed to all the nudity, however, there were some people wearing gold earrings through body parts that I'm pretty certain that the Good Lord never intended to have an earring through. (Now that I think of it, I'm not sure that "earring" would be what these articles of jewelry would be called, but I think you've got the idea).

Well, I’m sorry folks, but the question finally had to be asked…  "Doesn't that hurt?", followed by, "So, can I take a picture?".

In reality I think that what the "powers that be" want to avoid is such remarks as "Are those real or store-bought?" or "Have you ever injured anybody with that thing?" or "May I help you with some sunscreen?”. 


I'm sure that this is for sanitary reasons, but let me interject for a moment. I'm sure you've heard those stories about a kid who accepts a dare to touch his tongue to a metal pole in sub-freezing weather, then it gets stuck? Well, picture if you will, what could happen to an innocent butt cheek when the temperature hovers near the century mark and the picnic table benches are as hot as the pavement on Interstate-20 at high noon in August. (Talk about heat stress!). I'll bet that a towel is some mighty comforting insurance against a 3rd degree nightmare.

All kidding aside, I managed to focus on my recipe well enough (in spite of all the naked distractions) to get 3rd Place out of about 120 cooks and I won a large beach towel. 

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