I guess there’s something to the clinical psychological diagnosis that most overweight people are, in fact, over weight, because food sooths a deeper issue (than basic hunger).
This morning I was "Googling" some different weight loss techniques and came across a web site of a couple whose answer to weight loss is simple: Eat healthy and exercise as much as you can.
Makes sense to me. Although, I think the point may be made in about 5 minutes, instead of the 45 minutes that would have been better served watching grass grow.
Makes sense to me. Although, I think the point may be made in about 5 minutes, instead of the 45 minutes that would have been better served watching grass grow.
I'm not kidding... This couple spent 90% of the presentation telling me that what they were going to tell me is important and that everything I’ve heard about losing weight, up until now, is wrong. The other 10% was actually semi-factual information, intermingled throughout the presentation, so I would have needed to have taken notes to remember what to, and not to eat.
It was exhausting...
It was exhausting...
So, the bottom line… When I graduated from college (over 30 years ago), I lost the support group of my fraternity brothers, my weekends were suddenly empty and without social merit, and finally, being financially on my own, I was of very limited means and had to limit my extracurricular activity to sitting in my apartment, and soothing myself by drinking beer, eating cheap pizza, watching TV then going to bed, and repeating the routine again the next day.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but, according to that particular web site, I replaced four years of fun college life (i.e. decadence and hedonism) with Pizza, Mexican Food and Beer. The truth is, I didn’t realize I was replacing anything.
Hell, I thought I was just hungry and enjoyed beer!
Hell, I thought I was just hungry and enjoyed beer!
Come forward 30 years and 70 Lbs. later and here’s Jabba the Hutt, sitting in a bathrobe in front of a computer monitor, watching a couple of people, who have probably never really experienced true weight issues, coach me through a marathon program that ends with my credit card…
I don’t think so…
I don’t think so…
So, I’ve enrolled with a “weight loss program” where I have to check in once a week. They'll tell me what to eat and when to eat. In addition, I’m going to be getting sporadic Vitamin B shots to help with the metabolism. Sounds easy enough...
Tomorrow is day one. They’ll weigh me, take my blood, do an EKG and, I’m guessing, they’ll determine that my heart is in great shape, but my liver probably needs a little rest.
If that’s the case, I’ll be moving to “clear” liquids… No more beer at Chili Cook-Offs…
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