Friday, April 22, 2011

The Road to Religious Enlightenment is paved with Deviled Eggs

I have made an observation about Deviled Eggs, but first, I need to explain the reason why Deviled Eggs got their name and what “deviling” actually is. 

About two hundred, or more, years ago, in England, there was a process of grinding up meat with hot spices.  Because of the “hot “ nature of the finished product, it was called deviling.  I think that over the years, just making the product very rich, in taste and texture, has taken on the term “deviling” or “deviled”.  It doesn't really mean that anyone who eats them is destined for eternal damnation, although, they are "sinfully good".

Now, on to my observation. 

I’ve noticed that one of the top foods provided during religious or spiritual events, such as, to a grieving family after the death of a loved one, is Deviled Eggs.  I can personally attest to this, as we received about 20 or 30 dozen Deviled Eggs at my Mom’s home, when my Dad passed away almost 30 years ago.  We didn’t hit the Deviled Egg Payday as well when My Mom passed way 5 years ago, but still, there were a few that made it to the house.

Other family gatherings often have Deviled Eggs, such as Christmas, family reunions and of course, Easter.

The guys at Pfizer (makers of Lipitor) must love Easter due to all the bazillions of Eggs consumed.  I know from personal experience that we go through about 18 to 36 Hard Boiled and Colored Eggs for Easter.  I like to refer to it as “The Annual, Egg Coloring and Abuse Night at the Key’s House”.  

It’s true, our kids are, respectively, 17, 21 and a few weeks away from 23, and they have enjoyed coloring Easter Eggs since they were old enough to color Easter Eggs.  Given that the Eggs are still intact a day or two later, they are turned into hideously ugly (due to the fact that the egg dye bleeds through the shell) Deviled Eggs.

And boy are they good…

Major Strike to my weight loss journey, considering each serving of Deviled Egg is about 85 Calories.  Eat about a dozen of those and start counting!...  

It’s a virtual smorgasbord of  cholesterol laden calories.  

Next week’s “weigh day” is looking pretty bleak right now, but I’ll try to remain strong.

Happy Easter Everybody…

Friday, April 15, 2011

Holy Schmoly, I'm on a Roll!

Well, by now, anyone, who bothers to follow my weight loss journey, through this blog, knows that most Fridays (with the exception of the occasional Thursday), is “weigh day” because Friday is the official day that I report to the weight loss clinic to get weighed, have my blood pressure checked, then bend over for the ritual stabbing of the B6/B12 combo shot with the 2 inch needle in my butt.  (Again I say "White Coat Syndrome is Real!).

Last week, I was up 2 lbs., however, I think, due to the previous few weeks of funeral food and eating on the go (not to mention the BBQ Rib Platter on Thursday night), my weight was up a couple of lbs.  Probably water retention...

I knew that today would be a good “weigh day” because I’ve been helping a friend set a bunch of large poles in 40 lb bags of concrete, for his vineyard.  Not really hard work, but more physical labor than I’ve done in a long while.  So, this morning, like most every Friday morning, in spite of my "Jabba the Hutt” appearing nekkidness, I was extremely happy to step on the scales and see that I was within 1 lb. of having lost 30 lbs since the 1st of February.

I haven’t been at this weight in over 5 years!...   Yippie!...

On the other hand, I really can't see it, except where there’s saggy skin where fat used to be.  For example, my stomach…   Well, it’s not that bad, just sayin’….

Sad news is that I still have about 50 lbs. to go.  Can you believe I’ve let myself gain so much weight, in the name of quitting smoking and achieving good cardiovascular health.

If all goes as planned, I’ll be making an appointment, with a plastic surgeon, just before my high school reunion, just so I can do something about the flabby skin (along with my man-boobs), which are serious need of reduction.

Still have another milestone to go before I can reward myself with cheese enchiladas (with a fried egg, over easy, on top).  Hopefully, next Friday will be "enchilada payday"...

I'll let you know how that goes...   Until then, Adios…

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The only "running" I'm going to do is "running late"...

This is getting frustrating…   My body has now decided to "settle in" at the weight that it occupied for several years…   And I ain’t happy about it!

I know it’s been a rough few weeks for the diet, but I’ve really been good since Monday. 

Ok...  I know it’s only Wednesday, but I feel like I’ve been here for about 2 or 3 weeks.  I need a little push to get back on the 3 lbs. a week momentum that I have been on until now.

Dare I say it?  It’s probably time that I invest in the dreaded “E” word…   Exercise…  

Last winter, a friend of mine said that he felt like I should go "running" with him...   I told him (in the words of my mother) to go take a nap and the feeling would go away.

This has been so much fun, losing weight without working out.  In fact, that’s the whole reason that a competitive guy like me loves competing in chili cook-offs so much.  It’s the thrill of highly intense competition without the inconvenience of physical exertion.

I’ve always said “Fat boys don’t like to sweat”, however, it may be about time that I drag my fat butt back into the gym and do just that…   Sweat!...   Maybe that’ll get my weight loss momentum jump-started again.

Oh well…   Weigh-day is Friday, so I have a little time to, hopefully, drop a few more lbs. before I do something drastic.